About Alesha D!

My name is Alesha Davis I was born and raised in Chicago and moved out to the Bolingbrook area my sophomore year of high school. I have a background in a wide variety of aspects of communications. I received my bachelor’s degree from Bradley University in Communications with a concentration in Sports communications. I have taken courses at Illinois Media School and am certified in production, writing, and marketing in relation to any form of media. I am currently a Marketing Coordinator at a company that offers graduate level programs to teachers through cohorts at different local schools. My main goal in pursuing my master’s is to be able to bring a balance between all my different skills, communicative and media related, and incorporate those into developing the people around me to be there best selves. I would like to work in human resources/administrative department of a corporation/school specifically related with children or sports, which is why my focus in the Leadership Studies program is Professional leadership. This is my third semester in the Leadership Studies graduate program.


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