The Media, Real Women, and Gender Opression

There are so many different types of "real women" that it is definitely impossible for any type of media outlet to display the life and obstacles that real women go through. The problem is that the different television shows and other forms of media give the impression that they are displaying the lives of real women and the obstacles they go through therefore further playing into the stereotypical views of women and causing these view to always remain permanent in people's real life thoughts and representation of women issues and their personalities.

I believe there are a lot of shows in today's media that I believe briefly touch on reflecting the lack of gender inequality and the ones that I can think of usually contain a woman in a powerful position but the point is maybe discussed for a quick moment. Even with these shows though, there is still those "back of your mind stereotypes that displayed. Take for instance one of my favorite show Scandal. The main character Olivia Pope is very in control and seen as the best person to go to in her position, if you are looking for a D.C fixer Olivia is who everyone would want to choose. But, one of the main story-lines of Scandal is the fact that Olivia can't have both the power and love. He love life in every instance always has to be placed on the back burner for the greater good of the community she serves.

There is not one show that comes to mind where a critical light in shown about the continued oppression of women even in today's society and that sense of false representation is a sad sight.


  1. I hate that this is such a common story line for most women in tv and movies. Women can't ever have it all. Success and love is never gonna happen for women but for men, they always get the girl and the happiness they were looking for all long. I was actually watching the Devil Wears Prada and both Miranda and Andy go through those struggles of a man being upset by their careers. And for what, to give them depth? I'm sorry but in real life if my partner wasn't supportive of my career and ambitions then, boy bye. There is no reason for this! In the end of the movie, Andy ends up quitting the job and she ends up getting back with the guy. Lame.


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