
I do believe the "newer" formats of television shows are contributing to a breakdown in dialogue amongst opposing political viewpoints. There is not much respect or collaboration taking place and in turn there is always some sort of divide in my opinion between one side and the other. These formats have contributed to a lack of respect for other's viewpoints because everybody was the be in the right and intellects and people who speak on policies no longer want to do whats best for both sides they just want their side to come out on top.

There is a great plus side to these newer formats of shows and media. A lot of voices are given the chance to be heard and considered. Beforehand opinions were either one way or the other, but with the newer formats there are all different types of variety of answers and opinions to the same questions. I believe the newer formats also make things easier for the general public to understand. I enjoy watching shows such as "The Colbert Report" because they don't complicate issues they simplify them. They are simplified in ways for everyday people to understand and aren't presented with a bunch of data, and policy verbiage that only certain population would comprehend.


  1. Alesha, a lot of your classmates have also raised this issue of "respect." It seems like -- on so many issues-- people with opposing viewpoints view their opponents not just as "mistaken" but as "evil." I wonder if a different format for discussion ---maybe like the one used on PBS Newshour-- might avoid this problem. Do you think it would? But then the discussions would not be as entertaining and engaging...


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