Public Intellectuals

When I see the word intellectuals, even after going through all our readings and for the week with different explantations of the word, all I can think about is older men with their glasses on the tip of their noses sitting in a library or conference room of some sort discussing things that are far beyond comprehension of any regular person in the world. Or at least in the older times that's how I pictured the people who were considered intellects in the older times.

Today I feel there are so many intellectuals and it's not limited to a specific group of people who are superior to others. If you have something of substance to offer and you are able to back that up with research and knowledge of your subject then I would consider that person some sort of intellectual. A few people that come to mind as current intellectuals to me are college professors or even teacher, writers such as Roxanne Gay, and innovators such as Bill Gates just to name a couple.


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